There is a haunted house story again in Magelang. Haunted house is narrated by the user with the ID basskumuni DJ (real name not shown) living in the most sacred room in the house from childhood to high school. Experienced many magical experience for many years lived in the house, especially the room she occupied. The story is the same ghost story ferocious four-year stay in the Ghost House Cimanggis but with writing a short and concise. We see the real story of the residents narrative Magelang this haunted house.

Awful story house in Magelang (True Story)My house in the district. Magelang, Central Java, which I tempatin since I was born, my second child of 3 brothers, I also have an adopted brother named Leo who now entered RSJ (I'll get in critain why RSJ), now me and my two other sisters live outside city, until recently it was still occupied the same house my parents .. if I'm off, my home, or my parents who visited me,
Long story short, there is one room (room) in the house that I tempatin from small, and the same last adek ditempatin my host, because my brother and my brother nglanjutin college outside the city, now the room was dismantled, well why dismantled?? this is the case,
Back when I was a kid (still grade 1) my homework absorbed in the company of his beloved mother, my mother more time correcting the test results, knowing my mother a primary school teacher (kinda sad because ane disciples also, so it can not miss, and can not cheat PR friend) dah night I go to bed, but because PR blom finished, I kaga want, at the end wall of sound, the sign already at 12 Malem, well that moment I saw the size of an adult hand right in front ane (fitting room wall ane the outside), I was surprised she was crying, my mother suddenly shocked and immediately took a broom nearby and immediately hit the hand as he read the prayer, but the hand that multiply to dozens, after a while the hands started to disappear one by one, trus ane go to sleep though until now still traumatized ane gan ... subhanallah ..
After that incident, my father often really a fit for no reason, I had my sister often sickly gan, damn many times, my head 3 times dah house was leaking, like seizures, my brother and my host had also run out ga aka the brake while conscious, possessed of the most severe and hot water with the same kesiram my sister took my passport my maid of water from a pitcher who originally wanted kept in tremos .. there is no obvious reason why my maid threw it into the pot of our bodies, 2 months kaga can do nothing ..
Finally, as the years passed, small events occur frequently, as told by my neighbors that he saw ane thief stealing home ane would suddenly scuttled after prying the window, but ane house empty and deserted because all families out of the city, thieves were frightened after successfully opening the window, whether what he saw, even when the thief ran suddenly fell many times as there are kicking ..
Kluarga long ane became worried by the state of the gan, ane family someday arrivals from Malaysia, he stained clever people belonging ane, ane then in high school, after consulting the same stained, he said there was some fetish / heritage embedded beneath the foundation of the house, out of nowhere, but it is estimated there before the house was built, and reportedly were staying there so many trends, including one parental figure who supposedly white turban residents ane of the most powerful.
Finally stained ane suggested that every Friday night which will be made of black coffee in the room ditaroh ane, (ane tetep reckless nempatin room, although the situation is wrong ga) and the coffee morning had splashed front room ane. Day by day we pass like that, make coffee, discarded, make coffee and then removed again. end when high school grade 3 ane, ane began to suggest to the family, the coffee was eliminated in bowel habits, because we could have considered idolatrous / positioning us under them. * smart ass ane
Well ... after long negotiations, ane grandstanding speeches, ane the family finally agreed to eliminate the habit, BUT ... This turned out to be a big problem .. still remember the early ane ane sebutin adopted brother named leo go RSJ ..?
Look critanya, after ane ban ritual coffee, ane so often ngalamin strange, hair dijambak bedtime, then heard crying girl, appears the figure of tens of facial room wall as if they were talking again, the appearance of the skull, dozens of bats into the room etc, but ane tetep reckless nempati that room, because it was the big room at home ane.
One day, it was time ane graduated from high school, college ane disemarang, room was ditempatin Leo ane adopted brother who had just returned from flores, Leo classified as vocational students who are diligent and wise, even he got third rank in its class, at one time, for some reason Leo rarely gratuitous talk, and occasionally laugh not clear, even one night she had a fit, all goods dikamar slam, was at home when the incident there alone ane younger brother, younger brother ane just can mumpet his room for fear, knowing that Leo Flores badanya Gede, even rooms ane almost burned him, all the clothes in the closet and burned dikeluarkanya right in the room that he locks from the inside.
Saw smoke coming from the room, the younger brother yelled direct ane "fires", some neighbors came, directly prying the door and was immediately put out the fire. that makes shocked again, after that, Leo even so diligent children to the mosque, prayer, fasting, and likes to talk himself, however, the sound coming out of Leo is different, like the elderly and the sick face looked like a stroke, his lips hard to make way.
Finally after a few days, Leo was suddenly changed character, so this fit, has previously been on a rampage, but this was different, worse, and families bring clerics ane / clever people, he says Leo possessed, and please do not be vague, because could endanger people he hates.
Sure enough, a day when families ane guard, Leo suddenly fled, and was not overtaken, as his running kenceng really gan, CR7 through me, after a long day of looking, kluarga ane to the news that Leo went to prison, after ane clay TV One, also reported in the print media and the internet ya britanya "Leo Tega jab Head Stepmom" wrote serching in google (news at the bottom of this page), as the title suggests, Leo suddenly his biological father came home, and heart to stab His stepmother who actually does he hate it, finally after a psychiatric examination, Leo put RSJ, sorry Leo .. Now our family lost contact with Leo, Leo was last heard news of Flores ..
Well short gan .. to date Haunted House still ditempatin ame ane both my parent, new kmaren aja tuh uprooted room'll join one of the walls to the living room, eh .. even be a big deal, my father turned to the children, who cried because her room evicted .. Malem 12 o'clock my father ran away from home, sleeping in the ruins of the wall that has been used as a rubbish pit cover side of the house, even before my mother would groped devil ame .. Anjir .. really bad .. after that, the plan of the separation wall between the room and the living room would be rebuilt, until now every house I diadain malem yasinan / recitals, hadeh ..
Actually made me cringe go home, but I insisted kaga Parents want to move out of that house, forced lah .. I have tetep mental siapin .. usually when there's nginep my place, would look in appearance .. it happens all the time dah gan
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