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Monday, 4 March 2013

Why The Chinese Successful and Rich?

Why The Chinese Successful and Rich?Before reading the article Why The Chinese Successful and Rich? This, I want you to read it with an open mind. This story is the writing of someone who worked in America. And I hope the posts of "someone" is to provide inspiration from his experience to us.

Why The Chinese Successful and Rich?I am a native who formerly hated each half dead Descendants Chinese citizens. But after living in America for 10 years and now works in one of the largest banks in the world berpus at in New York City, my views changed and understand why China is different from the native people.And actually a lot of things that we do not know about China, and the things we need to know this truth and we think again, because these things are something we can use for the benefit of our own people and to advance the nation itself. I am not saying we should turn into China, but if it's good why not? And there are also bad things, but all nations have also.Let me begin my opinions on the comparison between native citizens and Chinese descent:The real differenceAfter working for three years and have a close friend of the Chinese people and foreigners from Shanghai at my work, I see a lot of differences-differences, including:MONEYa) The Caucasians, payday direct reply to the bar, drinking until drunk, buy new clothes, bought various gifts for his wife. And the remaining 10% is stored in the bank. Jump meals at expensive restaurants, especially new payday.b) The Chinese, if payday directly deposited in the bank, sometimes in invest more in the bank, buy stocks, or dibungain. His clothes were worn until itu2 only. I once asked him, that his money could be kept in the bank until 75% -80% of the salary.c) I own. if payday is usually allowed deh meals a little, especially new payday, if someone buy clothes on sale (again at a discount), buying goods for his wife, the remaining 15-20% continue to live kira2 is stored in the bank.*** Most in America, the Chinese office work (actually Korea and Japan too) young ones are able to ride a good car and can start buying houses. While the parents are not conglomerates and not the mafia in Chinatown. In fact, they buy nice stuff cash, not credit. Because they save their money really can not be beaten by any other nation. if whites or blacks owe must be paid off until the new tau buy a house.Worka) the Caucasians, abis work (usually at work at 8 am - 6 pm) Monday to Friday (Saturday and Sunday are not working)) to bar meals splurging ato salary. Overtime if asked suddenly, usually Kesel-Kesel alone in the office. Usually when the day Monday, the Caucasian-looking crumpled, because it is still a long time until Saturday, the weekend merely thoughts. If on Thursday, the Caucasians lazy work, his thoughts on Friday only. Continues gossip streets left and right.b) the Chinese, working abis straight home, cook, do not ever eat out (I often invites him to eat, just do not ever want to, expensive he said, must save money, except if there are special days). If asked never refused overtime, instead often volunteered to work overtime. If asked to work on Saturday or Sunday also will. Sometimes he even work part-time (not as full employees) in another company to add to the money.
c) I own, if asked to overtime, somewhat lazy too sometimes because they have plans to go out to eat with my friends office. Sometimes eager to go home because at work all the time, just would not want to have to work (so it felt forced, not like the Chinese who willingly). The lazy weekend that must work.*** Bosses are also usually like at the Chinese when it comes to work. They are because workers who diligently and never say "NO" as boss. Can work is also easier if china face, because it is seen as "Good Worker". Or hackney. Rarely, unless he is unwilling crucial overtime. And if not willing overtime, usually he would come Saturday or Sunday, or work overtime tomorrow.HOMEa) Apartment the Caucasians, well good. contemporary style. Full of furniture items and expensive furniture. Anyway salary is definitely abis ngurusin her apartment.b) the Chinese Apartment, well ... screwed. Only a single bed, on the floor alone. Battered table and two chairs battered. TV so small, it did not have cable TV. Anyway simple. When I asked, he told me "no pain first, fun later." Local area was not expensive, its place in the slums and the less there who want to stay.c) Apartment myself, pretty well, but my wife likes the makeup too. So my apartment has sizable unlike the Chinese. I really salute he could live that way. Though a lot of money in the bank. He's just a higher salary than me because longer in the companythem.*** After 10 epidemic, usually the Caucasians, the item is still living in a new apartment or buy a house owe, the Chinese are able to buy their own home. Because saving the jealous, and only buy necessities that. So ditabungkan own money.*** Here I could see the difference a real difference, I think first of all, the Chinese boy is very stingy. The period of a lot of money just like that deposited in the bank. And if we compare notes with the history of the Chinese people, we will know why they (China) is in its long-range (long term it) is more advanced than the natives in Indonesia, because I had exchanged ideas with some Chinese friends again other Indians, the Arabs, the Jerma n, the Americans, and the Chinese people themselves. We got to know the history of the Chinese people.Comparison of Chinese and Indonesian historyAncient Chinese nation is a nation that proud nation, because Chinese culture is one of the oldest cultures in the world that, almost setahaf with Mesopotamia and Egypt. Because of Chinese culture that really stick in his bosom. Very difficult to break this culture because their culture was really great, frankly, if we bandingankan our culture (indigenous Indonesian) we could not beat the Chinese culture. And indeed their culture has been recognized worldwide.According to a Journal of Archeology in the world, the Malays were more elements leads to a Mongol or Chinese. So it's actually Chinese of Indonesia, although s ecara biological and evolusis, there are elements from India and Arabia in the blood of natives. But the people of Indonesia (Malay) was actually his genetically closerto the Chinese.Chinese people had been from the first 4000 years of his life diawang distress continues (meaning people of small). Chinese State from ancient times, he said, had the war continued, though the little people tortured his own government, and the government has alternated continue. Chinese people is arguably one of the nation resilient. It is common to suffer, and suffer even more, usually the more daring and more daring, so all roads taken, his name would live, how. This also happens in Indonesia.Due to his own country, China, a lot of problems, their immigration everywhere. They are everywhere, my friend the item from Nigeria and Ethiopia (Africa) said there were a lot of people china. And surprisingly. China-China in Africa has been successful and arguably not poor.

IN INDONESIA In Indonesia alone, when I was living in Jakarta, I can see the differences, but at that time I had an open mind. I once had a friend go to China on Monday to open the fabric store. Beside it there just pack Haji who also open a fabric store. After two years, the Chinese businesses become more advanced, and the next Hajj pack eventually went bankrupt. It was not because the Chinese cheating or the pack voodoo pilgrimage. Turns out it was because the Chinese, despite being profitable, the money saved and saved it, to develop the business further. And he and his wife ate fried eggs alone. While the new pilgrim pack lucky few had a great meal at the same restaurant as the prestige of his family.

Well instead of the Hajj is one of the pack? Not that we can see for yourself that these thoughts are more advanced chinese more forward-looking and more durable? I guess this is something that we can sample from the Chinese. Maybe we should not be too stingy as she is, but also do not have to prestige-gengsian.I've met many people from different countries and that is one thing that's real is that those who DO NOT MAKE DECISIONS BASED ADVANCED prestige usually country.Just see the people of Hong Kong, the Japanese, the British, the Americans, the Germans and Singapore, they've ADVANCE once thought. Unlike the people of Indonesia. If YES YES told yah, yah that says NO NO. So there is no one not in the mood. If it had not ended up fighting mood.People Indonesia unfortunately very high prestige, do not want to admit that it is wrong or should change something ugly. These weaknesses.In the eyes of the nation Indonesia International has been known as the Nazi German version Southeast Asia. When World War II the Germans were poor because they lost World War I, so people do not get angry, the Hitler who cleverly deliberately blaming the Jews who are rich and control the German economy. And consequently Jews were massacred and not treated as citizens of their own country. Though they have been living in Germany and already feel as the nation itself, although they still hold their cultural eminence, like china in Indonesia.In Indonesia, oddly, native to China but not hate the Dutch or Japanese. Come to think of it, China is not anything wrong. I am a native New aware of it.Dutch torturing and draining of Indonesia Indonesia property wealth of the earth for 350 years and after that leave the most dangerous diseases and ingrained, namely corruption, which until now also caused an economic crisis after 53 years of independence apparently is not getting cured of the disease, but had stab and transmitted to the whole body and mental Indonesia.The Japanese master just 3.5 years, but the nation Indonesia torture more cruel than any other nation. Since losing the war, the Japanese nation, well now must inevitably dominate the world economically can no longer play up arms.Surprisingly we as indigenous even hate the Chinese instead of the Netherlands or Japan. Funny anyway. All other nations (Korea, China, Burma, Vietnam, and Africa) hated former colonial masters nonresident fellow who has lived many years together when the Chinese in Indonesia.One of what the chinese-china, not done anything wrong. Why do they seem savage in business, greedy, and greedy? why? Because of their long stay in Indonesia is always treated as an outsider and child-tirikan. Just imagine if you are-you are so chinese, would you-you also want to protect myself, who I would not eat tomorrow? or dead? Well, then, they are so smart, kinda sneaky, took advantage of the narrow, would successfully hold the Indonesian economy. But they also work hard, FAR ..... VERY MUCH HARDER THAN OUR NATIVE YG. Not only in Indonesia alone. Chinese people seem to be put where it must be successful and work hard.They (the Chinese) did not give up to fate, and always WANT TO BE TWO TIMES LIPATKAN living standards, we distinguished natives, generally satisfied with our success and lazy idle because it was already above the wind. For cina2 is not valid, how high would too, would be even higher.We just stupid, wanna hear that shit and the spiel government scapegoat china. Because they themselves are also rotten but afraid of getting caught. So they use Chinese as a shield and a scapegoat.What do you want to live as the advanced countries try? If not united. That developed countries should be able to live in peace with one another regardless of color, religion and ancestry. Everything must be recognized as a nation.American example, want to find a person from anywhere there. Only they are united, and they realize everyone has their ugliness. Just not heralded, but discussed and amended. Dandy is taken, and used together to advance the state. Do not hesitate, or prestige, prestige-prestige if it is not going forward. Must be open (open) and must be willing to accept mistakes and willing to change.Note: This article is available in milis2, author chances are Chinese or pro-Chinese natives but so highly extolled Chinese nationUpdate:comment from Andre Hui:

Although I am a descendant of Chinese, I think this article is not fair, and feel the need to make anti-thesis/sanggahan.

Posts from the 'list' is originally derived from forums KafeGaul years ago who then distributed through mailing lists and BBM Broadcast great now (which makes me able to stop by here) although I can not account for this claim because the forum was closed. I myself am a user since 2002 that was active at that time.

As I recall, the original article is in KG now it does not mention her work in New York City (POSSIBILITY OF, ANY PERSON WHO MEM-FWD THIS ARTICLE HAS SOMETHING MENAMBAH2KAN.) Users who posted the article can not be accounted for legitimacy: he posted the writings and never appears again. I'M NOT SURE THAT HE IS STAYING IN AMERICA citizens. He could have 'someone' is, only God knows who, writing fictional stories. Writings he himself is flawed:

1. Systems USA overtime in the work world.
Working hours are set by the government is 40 hours per week. If more than that, it is considered 'overtime.' Owner of the company has always tried to avoid it because it is very expensive overtime. According to the law, for each hour of overtime, workers are entitled to 1.5-2 times the wage per hour is given for the first 40 hours. Moreover, in terms of employees, no one wants to overtime more than 45 + hours for tax-bracket system makes extra incentive USA as a boomerang: The greater the additional monthly income, the greater the tax. Overtime for employees and bosses are something to be avoided as much as possible. Well, the 'China' was not going to get rich just by relying on overtime alone. Most likely he ends resulted in only a little more than that is not overtime, but the numbers will make any man with common sense because it is not frowned worth the effort.

2. Buy cash items, not owe.
In the USA monetary system, it needs to borrow! There is such thing as 'credit score' or can be regarded as a person's financial reputation. If you borrow and pay on time, then his score would be good. This score is needed to apply for a job, buy a house or car, rent a apartment / house, open a business, filed a personal loan or get low interest rates for credit cards. This score describes the credibility of a person, not only in the scope of money alone, but also dependability properties a person as a tenant or applicant. I've never heard of is people buying homes with cash here, if any, will be suspected as a criminal because of transactions involving large sums of money via financial instruments should be accounted for as required by law. HERE OF COURSE, HAVE MY AUTHOR'S CREDIBILITY DOUBTING that in fact NOT UNDERSTAND SISTEM2 USED IN THE USA.

I can not disagree with the opinion of the Chinese people's hard-working and tenacious. 9 out of 10 that I have seen so far are like that. But still not all serajin, there's always a rotten apple from a big tree. Generalization of the Chinese people in the USA alone is not so good. Not a few of them who 'exploit' social welfare system to get the benefits without working. From the social side, the mainland known rude and nasty.

Although I-blooded Chinese, I do not see the similarity of the Chinese in me. I myself grew up in Indonesia grateful. Growing up among a very diverse community with diverse cultural-ethnic-racial-religious, I can better appreciate the differences and learn to look from a different angle.

I saw the good faith of the author to make this as motivation, but the generalization is not always good. The title of this article should be changed to: "Why is [mostly] The Chinese Success." To eliminate the tendency that ALL the bloody Chinese people was a success, because it is in fact NOT ALL of them were successful, and remove the word 'RICH' because NOT ALL of us is an abundant treasure! Success itself can not be associated with the size of the treasure!

Sincerely hope the owners of this blog to correct this paper. All articles smells tribal sentiments will never be a good utilitarian, would become a boomerang for the source. (May 1998 riots which saw looting against the Descent was one of them triggered by a silly generalization that ALL of them were RICH.)

I think the current generation of Indonesia smart and wise enough not to follow the tradition of silly ancestors who have brought our country towards what it is today. Changes in Indonesia is in our hands. Tolerant of others, respect differences, united in spirit, and we can bring this nation to a better place!


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